Charles started life as a feral kitten living rough in a car park in North West London with lots of other cats. Every day was struggle for him to find food, and to keep out of the way of unkind, cruel humans. Even though he somehow managed to survive against the odds, we couldn’t bear to leave him in such a harsh environment. He was so small, timid and scared. Charles was trapped along with some other feral cats and brought to Romney House. It took him a while to settle into his new home, he was scared and very untrusting of humans. He is still unsure of humans today, but is happy living freely in the grounds of Romney House with his cat family. You can’t touch Charles, he’s too scarred by his previous experience but you can talk to him from a distance and leave him treats. We love his markings, the little brown patch on his chin looks like he’s sticking his tongue out.
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